
This page contains some (hopefully!) helpful information we've put together. We're hoping it's useful to anyone coming to Cambridge, or who wants to find out more about Christianity here.

A picture of some churches in the city.

The CU in Cambridge is very diverse in church background, so we can help you find one which suits whatever you're looking for! In the first few weeks of the year, we'll be running church search breakfasts, so you can go along with other students to some of the more popular churches in the city. Find out more about how to get involved when you come to Cambridge on the Freshers page.


The CICCU is the Cambridge Inter-Collegiate Christian Union, and represents a grouping of all of the individual CUs in all of the colleges. It runs its own Central events each week, alongside prayer meetings, and an annual Events Week. More information on everything CICCU does can be found on their website.

Each college has reps which act on behalf of the CICCU. Our reps for this year are Nathaniel and Daniel, second-year students. They are always available for a chat, and should be able to answer any questions you have about CU, or at least find someone who can!

Design and photograph by Joseph Webber, 2018. Design derived from the Cover template for Bootstrap, by @mdo. Copyright information for images of churches on this site. Source code on GitHub. Last Updated by Daniel Edwards, 08/2024.